Redesign of Existing Website

The Art of Website Redesign: Elevating Your Online Presence

We use the latest web technologies and design trends to create visually stunning and responsive websites that are optimized for conversions.

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Redesign of Existing Website

The Art of Website Redesign: Elevating Your Online Presence

At Sikariatech, we specialize in re-designing existing websites to improve their user experience, functionality, and style. Our team of skilled designers and developers will work with you to understand your business needs and goals and create a re-design that aligns with your brand identity and engages your target audience. Let us help you transform your existing website into a powerful online presence with our expert re-design services.

Existing Website

Updating the existing website's design

Is your website lacking in sheen or brilliance? It’s time to give your website an outstanding and amazing look with the redesigning process.

Our skilled professionals at Sikaria Tech Consultant Pvt Ltd are mastered in improving the overall look of your website, ensuring it’s well-functioning, increasing web traffic, generating business growth, and ensuring a user-friendly website.

A website is the face of your business that represents the online presence of your brand, and a basic aspect of client’s interaction with the products and services you deliver. It should be modern, up-to-date with the trends, user-friendly, and simple to navigate.

If it lacks any of the above factors, then, it is truly a blowback for your business or brand. Here’s why website redesigning is important.

Website redesigning is all about giving your website a fabulous look or a cosmetic makeover. It includes the optimum performance of the webpages, consumer experience, wonderful operations, and more traffic.

Redesigning the website gives an exciting chance for businesses to improve their business value and brand recognition among their audience. Building an innovative and updated website keeps you competitive in relevant fields and increases business reach at a rapid pace.

Website redesigning helps in a myriad of ways including ;

  • Improving user experience

  • Driving impeccable results

  • Easy for navigation

  • Better conversion rates

  • Update the brand’s value and identity

  • Boost website visibility and great SEO practices

  • Increase site capabilities with the latest tools and technologies

Website redesigning is a nice opportunity for both marketers and businesses that possess a dull or outdated website and for those who wish to give a unique and astonishing look to their existing site.

Re-designing the overall website also assists in upgrading the digital presence of your business as well as leading towards more potential and successful results.


Approach to rank your website- Our Methodology


1 . Brand breakthrough

What if your website does not represent your brand well? What if consumers did not find what they are looking on your site? It’s obviously an aftermath for your business. So, website redesigning is an opportunity to enhance user experience, and build an innovative website that attracts a large number of consumers. Whatever your business, the website should reflect your brand’s values and identity. Redesigning helps to increase conversion and establish a perfect brand image.

2. Out-of-date layouts and design

If your website is still stuck in the past and does not flow with the trends, then there is no denial that your brand will lose its identity and image. Well, the time has come to upgrade your site by amending the layouts, structure, and designs with the help of our skilled designers. This will help you to stay ahead of the competition and captivate more visitors.


3. Slow loading

Obviously, this is the frustrating one. Slow loading pages negatively impact SEO ranking of any site and also affect consumer’s experience adversely. Therefore, re-designing helps to boost page speed, optimize its functionality, and ensure instant loading pages.

4. Poor performance

Your brand may have grown but, what about your website? Is it also performing tremendously? Revamping and redesigning of the site help to remove cluttered layouts, integrate the newly-researched tools, and keep your visitors engaging. It unleashes streamlined navigation and creates fabulous experiences for your clients.


5. Unadaptable on mobile or tablet

Today, you can have everything in your pocket with your cell-phone. A responsive website is necessary to grab a large number of visitors seamlessly. This further helps in ensuring site adaptation to different devices and screen sizes.

Website redesigning builds a seamless experience to users and also beneficial for building a successful brand image and more visibility to the digital world. Sikaria Tech consultant Pvt ltd has a team of website designing experts who analyze and re-evaluate your website according to your business needs and demands

We offer affordable website designing options to every business and startup.

How do our professionals redesign your website to improve your brand’s value?

  • Goal identification and planning:
    First, we analyze the goal of redesigning and identify the objectives. The designers conduct a thorough analysis of the website areas of enhancement, strengths, weakness, and address the target audience.

  • Visual design and structure:
    The talented web designers create an appealing layout by considering modern designs, typography, imagery, and entire aesthetics. They give an eye-catching look to the website along with revamping its functionality

  • SEO-friendly content:
    Content is what you wish to say about your brand or company. It should be unique, engaging, genuine and clearly state what you cater to your clients. In a nutshell, content is the brand's voice or message to intended consumers. We ensure that the content is SEO-friendly and should be an ideal voice of your brand.

  • Implementation:
    Our designers ensure that your website is up-to-date with the latest trends, make it optimized for all screen types, devices and browsers by using advanced web development practices. Moreover, they also ensure its excellent working and responsiveness.

  • Testing:
    After implementing, thorough testing is done to ensure that the website is performing well on all devices and address and fix any bugs or issues, if any occurs. We deliver a well-functioning website to improve user experience and make your brand more visible to your audience.

  • Launch and promotion: Once the website is ready with extensive testing, we will step ahead into its launching and promoting process. The designers announce the promotion of redesigning the website through various channels including social media, email marketing etc.

  • Monitoring and iteration:After the launch, it’s time to track the website functioning, monitor user behavior, conversion rates, and other metrics through the usage of advanced analytic tools. The designers use the iteration to make further amendments and updates, if required.

This is how our website professionals work to establish a responsive website and build a marvelous user experience with their expertise and creativity. It’s a decent decision to choose Sikaria Tech Consultant pvt ltd since we have a team of web designers and developers who understand every business goal, intended audience, competitors and deliver exceptional solutions that meet your needs.

We can be your successful website redesigning partner with a proven record of providing optimum redesign projects. We take pride in assisting businesses or brands in upgrading their online presence through expert digital marketing services. Our dedicated team of professionals collaborate with you with every basic step to ensure your website looks amazing and also drives genuine and well-achievable outcomes.

So, don’t let an outdated website blowback your business, contact us and see your website ranking on top.